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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When and where are the meetings?

Scouts BSA Troop 728 meets Wednesdays from 7:30 pm until 9:00 pm from September through June (during the school year) at The Good Shepherd School gymnasium, located at 108 Cooper Street, NYC 10034. Doors open at 7:00 pm. We ask that all Scouts be on time, and wear full uniform and bring their Scout Handbooks. New Scouts have two months to purchase a uniform. To conserve the gym floor, sneakers must be worn at all times.

How can I join?

To join Scouts BSA, a boy or girl must have finished the 5th grade, or earned the Arrow of Light Award, or be between the ages of 11 and 18.

What does it cost?

Annual membership dues are $80 for a new Scout and $65 for a returning Scout. As a new Scout you will receive a complimentary Scouts BSA Handbook and a welcome packet. Uniforms must be purchased separately (available at retailers such as the Alpine Scout Camp Store orĀ There may be additional costs for camping and other special events.

Who are the Leaders?

Troop 728 is a “Scout led” troop. The primary youth leadership group in any Scouts BSA troop is the Patrol Leaders Council, led by a Senior Patrol Leader. The Scoutmaster advises the Patrol Leaders Council. The Scoutmaster is supported by a Troop Committee, comprised of parents who volunteer their time and talents. In Troop 728, the Scoutmaster is also supported by many Assistant Scoutmasters, a number of whom grew up as Scouts in Troop 728. All leaders have received skills specific and Youth Protection Training from Scouts BSA. Many are Eagle Scouts and a number have completed Wood Badge training, the most advanced training available to adult leaders.

How can Parents help?

Join the Troop Committee. Many hands make light work!

Parents who get involved can greatly enhance their son’s or daughter’s Scouting experience. Here are some suggestions for parents:

Familiarize yourself with your son’s or daughter’s Scouts BSA Handbook. The book describes all aspects of the Scouting program, and contains information on protecting your son or daughter from child abuse and drug abuse.

Attend Troop events such as the Court of Honor and Parents Meetings.

Review the Troop Calendar on the website or on handouts your Scout brings home. The Troop Calendar shows upcoming trips and events.

Volunteer to be a driver for a trip. This will enable you to see the boys and girls in action and helps the leaders plan more extensive trips.

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