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Winter Court of Honor

Troop 728’s Winter Court of Honor & Holiday Party is Wednesday, December 20, 2023, at 7:30 pm. Please join us at 620 Isham Street, the Good Shepherd School gym, to celebrate our Scouts’ achievements!

All are welcome – Troop 728-B is for boys and Troop 728-G is for girls!

Court of Honor

Join the Scouts of Troop 728 for their Fall Court of Honor, to be held Saturday, October 3, 2-4pm, outside in Isham Park (across the street from Good Shepherd School). Social distancing and masks required. (Also Scout Spirit!) Girls troop in formation.

2020-2021 Scout Year Kickoff this Wednesday

Troop 728 meets outside and in-person this Wednesday, September 23, from 5:30-7:00pm. This is the first official meeting of the 2020-21 Scouting year. Social distancing in effect and masks required. Meet in Isham Park, across the street from Good Shepherd School, between Isham and Park Terrace West. Interested boys and girls welcome. Pizza provided. For more info, please email:

Socially Distant Hike #2

Troop 728’s second “masks on” socially distant hike happened on Saturday, August 1, 2020, at Breakneck Ridge near Cold Spring, NY. Thanks for leading, ASMs Gabe and Alex! Training for #Philmont2021 has begun!

Court of Honor/Holiday Party is December 18th!

Join the Scouts of Troop 728 for their next Court of Honor and a Holiday Party, Wednesday, January 18, 2019, from 7-9 pm at Good Shepherd School, 108 Cooper Street, NYC 10034. Scouts, bring your families, something delicious to eat and drink, and wear your full uniforms for this important evening. We are proud of what you have accomplished!

Super Cold Saturday Hike!

Join the intrepid Scouts of Troop 728 this Saturday for a Super Cold Saturday Hike in Cold Spring, NY. Meet at 108 Cooper Street at 7am, return by 5pm. Dress for the weather, bring water, trail snacks and $20 in case we stop for food. Permission slips and medical forms can be downloaded from the Resources Page of the website. Trip Leaders are ASM Daniel Gurdak and ASM Gabe Florimon.

Merit Badge Rally

Scouts and Leaders from Troop 728 participated in GNYC’s 11/09/2019 Merit Badge Rally. Photo credit: Kirsten Neuman

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