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Winter Camping Top 10 List

Winter Camping Top 10 List

The Top Ten reasons to try winter camping:

10. Winter camping provides an excellent opportunity to hear 4 part snoring harmonies.

9. Winter camping provides a great excuse to buy the latest and greatest gear.

8. There is nothing like the aroma of lived in polypropylene.

7. It’s the only sure cure for cabin fever.

6. There is a comfortable satisfaction in knowing that you are the only one with 2
sleeping bags on a -15 degree night.

5. Wool is…”In.”

4. Down booties are more than just fashion statements.

3. It provides a good opportunity to catch up on one’s sleep by logging a solid 12 hours
of sleep during the 14 hours of darkness.

2. Two words….”Buttery Fleece.”

1. No bugs!

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