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It’s going to be a great New Year! Get your resolutions ready and execute them.

I was thinking about what I could tell the scouts and parents at the first meeting of the New Year. It’s going to be a huge year for scouting in the US, there will be many centennial events, lots of trips, and many ways for the boys to have FUN. I stumbled upon an article online written by the Stockton Boy Scouts Examiner and thought it was worth sharing.

Parents and Scouters please make sure your kids read this.

5 “easy wins” for Boy Scouts to consider, in order to get a jump-start to 2010:

1. Dust off those partial merit badge blue cards and finish them- It’s the end of the year and most Boy Scouts have at least one merit badge that isn’t finished. Ask your Advancement Chairperson for a list of partially complete badges and have some fun finishing the project.

2. Organize your collections- There’s a foregone conclusion in Scouting; boys will collect things: rocks, insects, pocket knives, coins, memorabilia and more. The universe of collectibles is unlimited for a Boy Scout. So dust off the shoe box under the bed, open the forgotten envelopes, dump out the desk drawer and organize your collection.

3. Plan a month’s worth of Good Turns- 30 days makes a habit. Good turns are a core value in Scouting. Make it a habit to do at least one good turn each day by planning at least one month of good deeds; one per day.

4. Help a younger scout with advancement- This is just good for the soul. And for the younger Scout who may need a little extra attention to stay motivated. The benefits of boy-led mentoring are significant and can be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the weekly Troop meetings.

5. Prepare your uniform and sash- Boys spend a lot of time and effort earning pins, patches and badges for their uniform and merit badge sash. But boys are, well… boys. They play hard in the uniform, and by the end of the year, it may start to show wear-and-tear. It’s a perfect opportunity to take inventory of the placement and condition of all the colors of the uniform.

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