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Court of Honor/Holiday Party is December 18th!

Join the Scouts of Troop 728 for their next Court of Honor and a Holiday Party, Wednesday, January 18, 2019, from 7-9 pm at Good Shepherd School, 108 Cooper Street, NYC 10034. Scouts, bring your families, something delicious to eat and drink, and wear your full uniforms for this important evening. We are proud of what you have accomplished!

Super Cold Saturday Hike!

Join the intrepid Scouts of Troop 728 this Saturday for a Super Cold Saturday Hike in Cold Spring, NY. Meet at 108 Cooper Street at 7am, return by 5pm. Dress for the weather, bring water, trail snacks and $20 in case we stop for food. Permission slips and medical forms can be downloaded from the Resources Page of the website. Trip Leaders are ASM Daniel Gurdak and ASM Gabe Florimon.

Merit Badge Rally

Scouts and Leaders from Troop 728 participated in GNYC’s 11/09/2019 Merit Badge Rally. Photo credit: Kirsten Neuman

Winter Camping @ Alpine

Troop 728’s newest Scouts took to the woods last weekend at Alpine Scout Camp. They hiked, set up tents, cooked, learned how to use knives, axes and saws, navigated using compasses and maps, then hiked again! Great job Scouts!

Service Day: Paint a Fence!

Troop 728 will help its Chartered Organization, Church of the Good Shepherd, paint the garden fence behind the Rectory on Saturday, June 12, starting at 9:30 am (weather permitting). Please bring a bag lunch, water and extra gloves if you have them. Earn service hours for advancement! Troop contact for this service day is Assistant Scoutmaster Alex Ceballos. Uniforms not required. Please join us!

First Lady’s ‘Be Best’ Initiative Addresses Kids’ Online Safety

Original release date: May 07, 2018

First Lady Melania Trump has announced her initiative to help children be their best. As part of her initiative, the First Lady released a guide to help parents and other adults discuss online safety and responsibility with children. Children taught about internet safety, appropriate online conduct, and responsible social media behavior, become safe and responsible users.

NCCIC encourages users to review the First Lady’s Guide on Talking with Kids About Being Online for more information. Refer to the NCCIC Tips Keeping Children Safe Online and Dealing with Cyberbullies for additional best practices.

How to Find Us

To join Scouts BSA Troop 728, a boy or girl must have finished the 5th grade, earned the Arrow of Light Award or be between the ages of 11 and 18.

Weekly Meetings: Troop 728 meets Wednesdays from 7:30-9pm from September through June at the Good Shepherd School Gymnasium, 620 Isham St. NYC 10034 (enter through the blue doors to the right of the main entrance and follow the signs). Contact (646) 543-6728. We ask that all Scouts be on time, and wear full uniform and bring the Scout Handbook.

Troop History

The Boy Scout movement came to Good Shepherd in 1947 when Troop 728 opened its doors. The Troop flourished with a membership of over 150 boys under three dedicated Scoutmasters: George Karsh (1947-1954), Frank Bond (1955-1970) and John Sweeney (1970-1973). more…

Scouting Events

Our most recent summers have taken us white-water rafting, mountain climbing and week-long camps.  Every year we try to squeeze in caving, biking, hiking, canoeing rock climbing, wilderness survival camping, outdoor cooking competitions, rifle and shotgun shooting events, and orienteering.

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